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To Select language you should put "languageId" As per next value You must include the application's own key, which is sent to you after registering on the developers page and registering the project in the API Header when calling the API services and sent in parameter: AppKey

Ayah translation

For data on the translation of a particular verse, please click on the link below:

Surah translation

To obtain data for a particular translation, please click on the link below: And "pagenumber,pagesize" can be ignored

Full quran meaning translation download

To get data on the translation of the Koran in full so you can benefit from the applications so you do not need to connect to the Internet is done through the following link:


To search in a language, click on the link below: And "pagenumber,pagesize" can be ignored

List Soras

To get list of Surahs, click on the link below:

Subjects Tree

To get list of any level of the subjects tree, click on the link below: please know that "parentId" is the id of subject that you want to retrieve its childred and for the root subjects you put "parentId=0"

Ayat by subject

To get list of Ayat in a certain subject, click on the link below: And "pagenumber,pagesize" can be ignored

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Full Surah translation
Ayah translation