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Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 61

أُوْلَـٰٓئِكَ يُسَٰرِعُونَ فِي ٱلۡخَيۡرَٰتِ وَهُمۡ لَهَا سَٰبِقُونَ

It is those who hasten to good deeds, and they outstrip [others] therein.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 62

وَلَا نُكَلِّفُ نَفۡسًا إِلَّا وُسۡعَهَاۚ وَلَدَيۡنَا كِتَٰبٞ يَنطِقُ بِٱلۡحَقِّ وَهُمۡ لَا يُظۡلَمُونَ

And We charge no soul except [with that within] its capacity, and with Us is a record which speaks with truth; and they will not be wronged.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 63

بَلۡ قُلُوبُهُمۡ فِي غَمۡرَةٖ مِّنۡ هَٰذَا وَلَهُمۡ أَعۡمَٰلٞ مِّن دُونِ ذَٰلِكَ هُمۡ لَهَا عَٰمِلُونَ

But their hearts are covered with confusion over this, and they have [evil] deeds besides that [i.e., disbelief] which they are doing,

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 64

حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَآ أَخَذۡنَا مُتۡرَفِيهِم بِٱلۡعَذَابِ إِذَا هُمۡ يَجۡـَٔرُونَ

Until when We seize their affluent ones with punishment,[1] at once they are crying [to AllŒh] for help.

1- In worldly life, before the punishment of the Hereafter. Although general, the description includes specifically the punishment of the Quraysh by famine.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 65

لَا تَجۡـَٔرُواْ ٱلۡيَوۡمَۖ إِنَّكُم مِّنَّا لَا تُنصَرُونَ

Do not cry out today. Indeed, by Us you will not be helped.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 66

قَدۡ كَانَتۡ ءَايَٰتِي تُتۡلَىٰ عَلَيۡكُمۡ فَكُنتُمۡ عَلَىٰٓ أَعۡقَٰبِكُمۡ تَنكِصُونَ

My verses had already been recited to you, but you were turning back on your heels.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 67

مُسۡتَكۡبِرِينَ بِهِۦ سَٰمِرٗا تَهۡجُرُونَ

In arrogance regarding it,[1] conversing by night, speaking evil.

1- The revelation. Or "him," i.e., the Prophet ().

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 68

أَفَلَمۡ يَدَّبَّرُواْ ٱلۡقَوۡلَ أَمۡ جَآءَهُم مَّا لَمۡ يَأۡتِ ءَابَآءَهُمُ ٱلۡأَوَّلِينَ

Then have they not reflected over the word [i.e., the QurÕŒn], or has there come to them that which had not come to their forefathers?

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 69

أَمۡ لَمۡ يَعۡرِفُواْ رَسُولَهُمۡ فَهُمۡ لَهُۥ مُنكِرُونَ

Or did they not know their Messenger, so they are toward him disacknowledging?

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 70

أَمۡ يَقُولُونَ بِهِۦ جِنَّةُۢۚ بَلۡ جَآءَهُم بِٱلۡحَقِّ وَأَكۡثَرُهُمۡ لِلۡحَقِّ كَٰرِهُونَ

Or do they say, "In him is madness"? Rather, he brought them the truth, but most of them, to the truth, are averse.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 71

وَلَوِ ٱتَّبَعَ ٱلۡحَقُّ أَهۡوَآءَهُمۡ لَفَسَدَتِ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتُ وَٱلۡأَرۡضُ وَمَن فِيهِنَّۚ بَلۡ أَتَيۡنَٰهُم بِذِكۡرِهِمۡ فَهُمۡ عَن ذِكۡرِهِم مُّعۡرِضُونَ

But if the Truth [i.e., AllŒh] had followed their inclinations, the heavens and the earth and whoever is in them would have been ruined. Rather, We have brought them their message,[1] but they, from their message, are turning away.

1- Or "reminder."

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 72

أَمۡ تَسۡـَٔلُهُمۡ خَرۡجٗا فَخَرَاجُ رَبِّكَ خَيۡرٞۖ وَهُوَ خَيۡرُ ٱلرَّـٰزِقِينَ

Or do you, [O Muúammad], ask them for payment? But the reward of your Lord is best, and He is the best of providers.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 73

وَإِنَّكَ لَتَدۡعُوهُمۡ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطٖ مُّسۡتَقِيمٖ

And indeed, you invite them to a straight path.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 74

وَإِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ عَنِ ٱلصِّرَٰطِ لَنَٰكِبُونَ

But indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter are deviating from the path.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 75

۞وَلَوۡ رَحِمۡنَٰهُمۡ وَكَشَفۡنَا مَا بِهِم مِّن ضُرّٖ لَّلَجُّواْ فِي طُغۡيَٰنِهِمۡ يَعۡمَهُونَ

And even if We gave them mercy and removed what was upon them of affliction, they would persist in their transgression, wandering blindly.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 76

وَلَقَدۡ أَخَذۡنَٰهُم بِٱلۡعَذَابِ فَمَا ٱسۡتَكَانُواْ لِرَبِّهِمۡ وَمَا يَتَضَرَّعُونَ

And We had gripped them with suffering [as a warning], but they did not yield to their Lord, nor did they humbly supplicate, [and will continue thus]

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 77

حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا فَتَحۡنَا عَلَيۡهِم بَابٗا ذَا عَذَابٖ شَدِيدٍ إِذَا هُمۡ فِيهِ مُبۡلِسُونَ

Until when We have opened before them a door of severe punishment, immediately they will be therein in despair.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 78

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِيٓ أَنشَأَ لَكُمُ ٱلسَّمۡعَ وَٱلۡأَبۡصَٰرَ وَٱلۡأَفۡـِٔدَةَۚ قَلِيلٗا مَّا تَشۡكُرُونَ

And it is He who produced for you hearing and vision and hearts [i.e., intellect]; little are you grateful.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 79

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِي ذَرَأَكُمۡ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَإِلَيۡهِ تُحۡشَرُونَ

And it is He who has multiplied you throughout the earth, and to Him you will be gathered.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 80

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِي يُحۡيِۦ وَيُمِيتُ وَلَهُ ٱخۡتِلَٰفُ ٱلَّيۡلِ وَٱلنَّهَارِۚ أَفَلَا تَعۡقِلُونَ

And it is He who gives life and causes death, and His is the alternation of the night and the day. Then will you not reason?

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 81

بَلۡ قَالُواْ مِثۡلَ مَا قَالَ ٱلۡأَوَّلُونَ

Rather,[1] they say like what the former peoples said.

1- Instead of understanding or reasoning.

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 82

قَالُوٓاْ أَءِذَا مِتۡنَا وَكُنَّا تُرَابٗا وَعِظَٰمًا أَءِنَّا لَمَبۡعُوثُونَ

They said, "When we have died and become dust and bones, are we indeed to be resurrected?

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 83

لَقَدۡ وُعِدۡنَا نَحۡنُ وَءَابَآؤُنَا هَٰذَا مِن قَبۡلُ إِنۡ هَٰذَآ إِلَّآ أَسَٰطِيرُ ٱلۡأَوَّلِينَ

We have been promised this, we and our forefathers, before; this is not but legends of the former peoples."

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 84

قُل لِّمَنِ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ وَمَن فِيهَآ إِن كُنتُمۡ تَعۡلَمُونَ

Say, [O Muúammad], "To whom belongs the earth and whoever is in it, if you should know?"

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 85

سَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّهِۚ قُلۡ أَفَلَا تَذَكَّرُونَ

They will say, "To AllŒh." Say, "Then will you not remember?"

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 86

قُلۡ مَن رَّبُّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ ٱلسَّبۡعِ وَرَبُّ ٱلۡعَرۡشِ ٱلۡعَظِيمِ

Say, "Who is Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the Great Throne?"

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 87

سَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّهِۚ قُلۡ أَفَلَا تَتَّقُونَ

They will say, "[They belong] to AllŒh." Say, "Then will you not fear Him?"

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 88

قُلۡ مَنۢ بِيَدِهِۦ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ وَهُوَ يُجِيرُ وَلَا يُجَارُ عَلَيۡهِ إِن كُنتُمۡ تَعۡلَمُونَ

Say, "In whose hand is the realm of all things and He protects while none can protect against Him if you should know?"

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 89

سَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّهِۚ قُلۡ فَأَنَّىٰ تُسۡحَرُونَ

They will say, "[All belongs] to AllŒh." Say, "Then how are you deluded?"

Sourate: AL‑MU’MINŪN 

Verset : 90

بَلۡ أَتَيۡنَٰهُم بِٱلۡحَقِّ وَإِنَّهُمۡ لَكَٰذِبُونَ

Rather, We have brought them the truth, and indeed they are liars.